
Fee list: TempO Mělník, Klasika Mšeno

Club: Orientační oddíl SKV Praha

TempO Mělník, Klasika Mšeno
2017/11/04, 2017/11/05
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Entries: 2017/11/04 - TempO Mělník
Reg. number
Entry stop
Base fee
Rent SI
E-Open KVP4351 Kadlecová Jitka 1 100 CZK 100 CZK 0 CZK
E-Open KVP7450 Kosťová Jana 1 100 CZK 100 CZK 0 CZK
E-Open KVP4950 Mrtková Jarmila 1 100 CZK 100 CZK 0 CZK
E-Open KVP6000 Špidlen Miroslav 1 100 CZK 100 CZK 0 CZK
ZZZ total ZZZ4 pcs 400 CZK 0 CZK
Entries: 2017/11/05 - Klasika Mšeno
Reg. number
Entry stop
Base fee
Rent SI
E-Para KVP4351 Kadlecová Jitka 1 200 CZK 200 CZK 0 CZK
E-Para KVP7450 Kosťová Jana 1 200 CZK 200 CZK 0 CZK
E-Para KVP4950 Mrtková Jarmila 1 200 CZK 200 CZK 0 CZK
E-Para KVP6000 Špidlen Miroslav 1 200 CZK 200 CZK 0 CZK
ZZZ total ZZZ4 pcs 800 CZK 0 CZK
Use following variable symbol in the payment: 4110136 (bank account: 2500371851/2010) QR payment code
club fee: 1200 CZK , paid: 0 CZK, to be paid: 1200 CZK
total: 1200 CZK , paid: 0 CZK, to be paid: 1200 CZK