
Fee list: Grand prix Silesia, Grand Prix Silesia Sprint

Club: SK Severka Šumperk

Grand prix Silesia, Grand Prix Silesia Sprint
2018/07/20, 2018/07/21
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Entries: 2018/07/20 - Grand prix Silesia
Reg. number
Entry stop
Base fee
Rent SI
D45B SSU6591 Ostřanská Iveta 1 360 CZK 150 CZK 0 CZK
H75 SSU4302 Ostřanský Josef 1 360 CZK 150 CZK 0 CZK
H21A SSU9303 Schuster Marek 1 360 CZK 0 CZK 0 CZK
ZZZ total ZZZ3 pcs 300 CZK 0 CZK
Use following variable symbol in the payment: 10100914 (bank account: 86-6957020267/0100) QR payment code
club fee: 300 CZK , paid: 0 CZK, to be paid: 300 CZK
total: 300 CZK , paid: 0 CZK, to be paid: 300 CZK