
Fee list: Sandstones | Pískovce, Sandstones | Pískovce - E1, Sandstones | Pískovce - E2, Sandstones | Pískovce - E3

Club: TJ Stadion Nový Bor

Sandstones | Pískovce, Sandstones | Pískovce - E1, Sandstones | Pískovce - E2, Sandstones | Pískovce - E3
2020/07/31, 2020/07/31, 2020/08/01, 2020/08/02
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Entries: 2020/07/31 - Sandstones | Pískovce
Reg. number
Entry stop
Base fee
Rent SI
H35B STB8101 Bernášek Jiří 2 700 CZK 1000 CZK 0 CZK
H50B STB6601 Kubec Pavel 2 700 CZK 1000 CZK 0 CZK
D16 STB0550 Kubecová Magdalena 2 700 CZK 1000 CZK 0 CZK
T10 STB1101 Kučerka Radek 2 500 CZK 800 CZK 0 CZK
T10P STB1450 Kučerková Adéla 2 500 CZK 800 CZK 0 CZK
D35B STB8196 Kučerková Romana 2 700 CZK 1000 CZK 0 CZK
H50B STB7000 Průšek Petr 2 700 CZK 1000 CZK 0 CZK
T10P STB1352 Průšková Veronika 2 500 CZK 800 CZK 0 CZK
ZZZ total ZZZ8 pcs 7400 CZK 0 CZK
Entries: 2020/07/31 - Sandstones | Pískovce - E1
Reg. number
Entry stop
Base fee
Rent SI
H35B STB8101 Bernášek Jiří 2 700 0 0
H50B STB6601 Kubec Pavel 2 700 0 0
D16 STB0550 Kubecová Magdalena 2 700 0 0
T10 STB1101 Kučerka Radek 2 500 0 0
T10P STB1450 Kučerková Adéla 2 500 0 0
D35B STB8196 Kučerková Romana 2 700 0 0
H50B STB7000 Průšek Petr 2 700 0 0
T10P STB1352 Průšková Veronika 2 500 0 0
ZZZ total ZZZ8 pcs 0 0
Entries: 2020/08/01 - Sandstones | Pískovce - E2
Reg. number
Entry stop
Base fee
Rent SI
H35B STB8101 Bernášek Jiří 2 700 0 0
H50B STB6601 Kubec Pavel 2 700 0 0
D16 STB0550 Kubecová Magdalena 2 700 0 0
T10 STB1101 Kučerka Radek 2 500 0 0
T10P STB1450 Kučerková Adéla 2 500 0 0
D35B STB8196 Kučerková Romana 2 700 0 0
H50B STB7000 Průšek Petr 2 700 0 0
T10P STB1352 Průšková Veronika 2 500 0 0
ZZZ total ZZZ8 pcs 0 0
Entries: 2020/08/02 - Sandstones | Pískovce - E3
Reg. number
Entry stop
Base fee
Rent SI
H35B STB8101 Bernášek Jiří 2 700 0 0
H50B STB6601 Kubec Pavel 2 700 0 0
D16 STB0550 Kubecová Magdalena 2 700 0 0
T10 STB1101 Kučerka Radek 2 500 0 0
T10P STB1450 Kučerková Adéla 2 500 0 0
D35B STB8196 Kučerková Romana 2 700 0 0
H50B STB7000 Průšek Petr 2 700 0 0
T10P STB1352 Průšková Veronika 2 500 0 0
ZZZ total ZZZ8 pcs 0 0
Payment date
Reg. number
2020-06-242020/06/24 8000
2020-08-032020/08/03 -600 vrácení přeplatku STB
ZZZtotal 7400
Use following variable symbol in the payment: 90520xxxx (bank account: 903779369/0800, VS 9xxxx (xxxx=číslo klubu dle adresáře ČSOS))
club fee: 7400 , paid: 7400 , to be paid: 0
total: 7400 , paid: 7400 , to be paid: 0