
Fee list: MTBO5Days Plzeň 2017, Mistrovství ČR v MTBO štafet, 5 days MTBO

Club: SV Sachsen 90 Werdau

MTBO5Days Plzeň 2017, Mistrovství ČR v MTBO štafet, 5 days MTBO
2017/07/05, 2017/07/07
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Entries: 2017/07/05 - MTBO5Days Plzeň 2017
Reg. number
Entry stop
Base fee
Rent SI
M21E 54D8500 Albert Denny 1 800 CZK 374 CZK 0 CZK
M40 54D7200 Hartung Thomas 1 800 CZK 374 CZK 0 CZK
M40 54D7700 Huster Mark 1 800 CZK 880 CZK 0 CZK
M50 54D6200 Vogel Swen 1 800 CZK 374 CZK 0 CZK
ZZZ total ZZZ4 pcs 2002 CZK 0 CZK
Services: 2017/07/05 - MTBO5Days Plzeň 2017
Total price
Created by
_4.7. dinner - pork goulash with dumplings 0 CZK 1 0 CZK Huster Mark 2017/07/02 21:29
_5.7. lunch - mixed chicken with rice 0 CZK 1 0 CZK Huster Mark 2017/07/02 21:29
_5.7. dinner - roast pork with potato dumplings, sauerkraut and spinach 0 CZK 1 0 CZK Huster Mark 2017/07/02 21:31
_6.7. dinner - beef roll with traditional filling, rice 0 CZK 1 0 CZK Huster Mark 2017/07/02 21:33
_6.7. lunch - grilled chicken, potatoes 0 CZK 1 0 CZK Huster Mark 2017/07/02 21:33
_7.7. dinner - chicken schnitzel with potato and tatar souce 0 CZK 1 0 CZK Huster Mark 2017/07/02 21:35
_7.7. lunch - vegetarian: Baked pasta without meat 0 CZK 1 0 CZK Huster Mark 2017/07/02 21:35
ZZZtotal 7 0 CZK
Payment date
Reg. number
2017-06-132017/06/13 2002 CZK ok, 80 €
ZZZtotal 2002 CZK
Use following variable symbol in the payment: 90195 (bank account: 2601203427/2010 (CZK), EUR payments - please see the bulletin at http://mtbo5days.eu/en/information/)
club fee: 2002 CZK , paid: 2002 CZK, to be paid: 0 CZK
total: 2002 CZK , paid: 2002 CZK, to be paid: 0 CZK